Altar of Creation News

May 05, 2024

Dr Weiss Announces the Formation of a New Eastern AOC Training Circle

November 27 2008

The AOC staff and i are profoundly excited to announce the establishment of a new AOC training Circle in the East! We will offer the first Course in the AOC Training Curriculum, "The Axis of Creation" in the Fall or Winter of 2009/ 2110. It is Dr Weiss' mission to get the AOC work out to as many people as possible, and with the economy the way it is, the trip out to Santa Fe for many Easterners has become a deal breaker. So in response to public demand we will offer full training programs in both the East and the West (Santa Fe, NM). It is our hope that this will make it possible for more interested Eastern students to enroll in the AOC. The other new AOC training Circle, in Santa Fe, is scheduled to begin sometime in the Fall of 2009 as well. Very Exciting times as we watch the AOC continue to grow! in the special way that the Universe unfolds our reality, we are questioning the venue for the Eastern Circle as there maybe a few glitches with the Garrison Institute! stay tuned! in Love and Service, steven weiss