Altar of Creation News

March 31, 2025

The Infant - Baby Universe

August 10 2012

Sacred Geometry & Embryonic Perfection October 12 – 14 and November 2 – 4, 2012 Friday: 6 - 9, Saturday: 9 - 7, Sunday: 9 - 5 (Times need to be confirmed) Location: to be announced Tuition: $800 (for both weekends) Some of the topics being covered in this hands-on experiential course: * An Altar of Creation “technology” for listening clearer & deeper in treatment * Midline & Breath * Cranio-vertebral junction as “invisible wound” that creates so much trouble all over * The diaphragmatic system * The unique dynamics of the infant cranium – its primary fluid/membrane nature * Head & upper extremities - pelvis & lower extremities * The physics and physiology of pregnancy and childbirth for mom and baby * Application of all above elements specific to the Altar of Creation problem- solving algorithm to the infant/baby universe – working with symptoms in babies by viewing them in the context of the whole Being, how it is constructed, and what it requires to heal at the deepest level * Discussion of common conditions such as torticolis, plagiocephaly, sucking difficulty, tone & coordination difficulties, colics, ear infections, cerebral palsy, etc * Opportunity for us to do clinical troubleshooting with your most challenging cases No pre-requisites for attending. Even though this course is oriented to practitioners treating children, the “children perspective” still exists in us as adults, and can only help to bring clarity and more effectiveness to your adult & adolescent treatments! Module 1: The Health Requirements of how infants and adults are alike (Oct. 12 – 14) Module 2: The Unique Health Requirements of infants and babies (Nov. 2 – 4) To register, please call: 212. 414. 9435 or Steven Weiss, DO has been treating infants and children for nearly 25 years, evolving a practical understanding that they are uniquely constructed and have specific health requirements different from adolescents and adults. Practicing what he calls osteopathic healing, Dr Weiss weaves together elements from cranial osteopathy and years training with Dr James Jealous (founder of the biodynamic concept) and Dr Anne Wales (longtime student of Dr Sutherland, the founder of cranial osteopathy), with energy medicine (practices learned in his training with Rev Rosalyn Bruyere), as well as engineering problem-solving principles and healing perspectives from native American, Tibetan, and Chinese Taoist traditions. He is board certified in osteopathic manual medicine and is on the clinical faculty of several osteopathic medical schools. Dr Weiss is widely recognized for his abilities to find a way to support healing in difficult complex cases. He is the founder and director of the Medicine Lodge Clinic and the Altar of Creation school.